We are pleased to receive questions relating to the JRCALC Guidelines, however in the first instance we recommend that you liaise with appropriate senior clinicians within your organisation to clarify a guideline or area of practice.

We will endeavour to answer your question promptly having consulted with JRCALC experts as necessary. Of the questions we receive there are often common themes; below is a searchable facility to review the questions and answers given.

The information highlighted here will also inform future updates and changes to JRCALC Clinical Practice Guidelines.

The JRCALC Guidelines are cited as:

Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (2016) UK Ambulance Services Clinical Practice Guidelines 2016. Bridgwater: Class Professional Publishing.

Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (2017) JRCALC Clinical Practice Supplementary Guidelines 2017. Bridgwater: Class Professional Publishing.

If you have a question regarding the JRCALC Guidelines, you can submit it here.