Waiting times survey for hospital treatments

Healthwatch Hampshire, in partnership with other local Healthwatch organisations and the local NHS, have launched a survey asking the public to share their experiences and views of waiting for hospital treatments.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people having their planned hospital treatments delayed. They want to find out how this is affecting people locally and whether they would consider treatment at an alternative hospital in Winchester if it was available.

It is vital that NHS decision makers hear people’s experiences and views of waiting for planned hospital treatment. Healthwatch Hampshire will not publish or share anything that identifies anyone, but the information gathered will be used to help the NHS understand how it can support people who are waiting for treatment and to inform work being undertaken to reduce waiting times. They are interested in good experiences as well as the not so good.

Who is this questionnaire for?

  • People who are currently waiting for planned hospital treatment
  • People who have had planned hospital treatment since April 2021 (i.e., not emergency treatment).
  • Carers for someone who is waiting for, or has had planned hospital treatment since April 2021

The questionnaire will take 10-15 minutes to complete and is running until 31st August 2022. You can find it here: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/N1X657/.

If you’d like a paper copy of this survey posted to you, or would like other support to complete the survey, please contact Healthwatch Hampshire via phone 01962 440262 or email enquiries@healthwatchhampshire.co.uk.