Safely Reducing Avoidable Conveyance Programmes

A repository of examples of good practice for safely reducing ambulance conveyance to emergency departments

The UEC and Ambulance Repository is now live with all the previous content published on the AACE safely reducing avoidable conveyance repository, as well as NHSE’s webinar series from 2022, and the recent 999 and UCR webinars from Spring 2023.

All initiatives are available within a searchable database found here.

Work will continue on the site, and add more content will be added through 2023.

The link to the wider site can be found here – UEC and Ambulance Repository.

If you have not already signed up to access the repository you will need to join the Emergency Care Improvement Support Team (ECIST) Future NHS platform, by clicking the ‘Join this Workspace’ button on the page that you are taken to. You should expect to receive access within 48hrs.

If you would like to submit an example of a response model/ care pathway, or if you have any questions about the new UEC and Ambulance Repository on NHS Futures, please contact