Naloxone Hydrochloride: Indication to reverse respiratory and central nervous system depression in a neonate following maternal opioid use during labour removed

Description: The indication to give Naloxone to reverse respiratory and central nervous system depression in a neonate following maternal opioid use during labour has been removed. There is little evidence to support its use in neonates. If Naloxone is given to neonates born to opioid addicted mothers there are concerns that it may produce withdrawal effects. Emphasis should be on effective drying and stimulation of the baby, systematic airway management with bag valve-mask ventilation and maintaining newborn temperature between 36.50C to 37.50C. Where these interventions do not achieve established respiratory effort the newborn should be rapidly conveyed to the nearest Emergency Department with an Obstetric Unit attached. The pre-alert should detail the neonatal emergency. The newborn should be conveyed, where necessary, ahead of the mother.
Date Update Posted Online: September 7, 2017
Book: Reference Edition
Section Title: Naloxone Hydrochloride (Narcan)
Guidelines Print Date: September 20, 2017
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