Sepsis: new JRCALC guideline

Description: This is a completely new guideline. We purposely decided not to develop or include a sepsis screening algorithm or tool. JRCALC recommends using tools that have been agreed locally in your own organisation, or across a network or region, along with use of a NEWS score. We are aware of the development of NEWS2, and this guideline will be updated after it becomes available.The red, amber and green tables in the febrile illness in children guideline are slightly different from the more up-to-date tables in this new sepsis guideline. This will be addressed as part of a future update in the febrile illness in children guideline.- Think ‘could this be sepsis?’ if a person presents with fever/feeling unwell with a NEWS greater than or equal to 5.- Think ‘could this be sepsis?’ if a person looks unwell with a history of infection.- NEWS does not diagnose sepsis – it simply identifies sick patients who need urgent senior medical review and intervention.- Keep on scene times to a minimum – delaying transport may increase mortality.- Provide a pre-alert and NEWS score to the receiving hospital – ‘patient has suspected sepsis’ in line with local arrangements.
Date Update Posted Online: September 7, 2017
Book: Reference Edition
Section Title: Sepsis
Guidelines Print Date: September 20, 2017
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