Position Statement: UK NHS Ambulance sector outlines its asks of incoming government

AACE LOGO Feb 2024

Ahead of the General Election on 04 July, the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) outlines its asks of the new government:

  • That our people (learners, employees and volunteers) form the foundation of all policy considerations and decisions related to the NHS ambulance sector.

  • That our patients universally receive high-quality, timely care and no longer experience unacceptable delays in response or handover of care, for example, at hospital emergency departments.

  • That we are supported in realising our Vision for the NHS ambulance sector, which will ensure the ambulance service can fulfil its core remit: provision of emergency response to those with a life-threatening health need and to major incidents while overseeing the co-ordination, and, at times, delivery of urgent care.

  • A medium-term financial plan that provides the required levels of investment to meet:
    • Clinical targets, for example, the 18-minute Category 2 target.
    • Emergency planning requirements, for example, implementation of the Manchester Arena Inquiry recommendations.
    • The capital needs of the ambulance sector: vehicles, digital and estates.

  • A review of how ambulance and 111 services are commissioned to improve patient care and value for money.

  • A commitment to work with the UK NHS ambulance sector to build a fully integrated ambulance service (with health and social care) that meets the needs of its patients and the public.