Reducing Health Inequalities – further resources


How ambulance services are helping to reduce health inequalities – further resources

Examples of Reducing Health Inequalities in action:

  • Building public health capacity and capability

Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
Summary video
Smoking video
Falls video
Alcohol video
Obesity and Physical Exercise video
About MECC video

Building public health leadership capacity and capability in the ambulance sector
Christine Camacho, PH Registrar, OHID

  • Systems partnerships

Health Inequalities – a partnership approach   
Liz Gaulton,  Chief Officer Population Health and Inequalities (Interim), NHS Coventry & Warwickshire ICB

Children & young people with asthma – initiatives to reduce inequality
Sean Edwards, Practice Development Lead (advanced practice), SECAMB

  • Data, insight, evidence and evaluation

Engaging with rough sleepers on their experience of ambulance services
Lewis Etoria, Senior Community Engagement Manager, YAS

A public health approach to ambulance data
Verity Bellamy, NAA

Maturity Matrix – for ambulance services to undertake a self-assessment process and gauge their progress against key objectives in reducing health inequalities.

Strengthening the role of the ambulance sector in reducing health inequalities
Board development session – resource pack (5 June 2024)
A summary document with links and resources from the board development session.

>> View additional video resources here.

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