AACE launches Ambulance Demand Review

NWAS AmbulanceA project has been launched by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) to investigate changes in the use of ambulance services in England. We know that use of ambulance services has been increasing over the past decade and by conducting this project, AACE hope to get a better understanding of how the ambulance service is being used.

AACE would like to conduct interviews with people who have recently used the ambulance service (i.e. within the last three months) to explore why patients choose to call 999. If you agree to take part, you will be asked a number of questions about the occasion on which you called for an ambulance and about any other services you may have contacted for help prior to calling 999.

If you would like to take part in an interview, please contact Melanie Edwards on 020 7783 2588 or at melanie.edwards@aace.org.uk .  You will be contacted to arrange a suitable time for the interview, which will be conducted by telephone and will last approximately 30 minutes.

Alternatively, if you are unable to take part in a telephone interview, you can complete an online survey instead by going to www.myenvolve.com/project/999ambulance

All information is treated as confidential and the information you provide will only be seen by the project team.

Read the full information sheet here.