AACE supports ‘European Day Without a Road Death’

EDWARDmedThe AACE are committed to seeing a reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads each year.

That’s why we are proud to support Project EDWARD – the European Day Without a Road Death on 21 September 2016, an initiative of TISPOL the European Traffic Police Network.

The aim of the project is simple, nobody should die or be seriously injured on the roads across Europe on that day; and all road users whether pedestrians or motorcyclists, cyclists or drivers have a part to play in making this happen.

From the UK’s perspective 1,732 people died on our roads last year with 22,137 people being seriously injured so whether you voted in or out at the referendum it’s important that we all do our bit to improve road safety.

The AACE would therefore like to invite you, your members, colleagues, family and friends to join us and a host of other organisations and individuals up and the down the UK in making a simple pledge aimed at making the roads safer.

TisPol 2The pledge and a short video introduction can be found by clicking here.

AACE would encourage you to share this as widely as possible to help make 21 September a day without a road death.