Free registration opens for ALF 2024

ALF 2024 Online – registration now open


Registration for the 2024 Ambulance Leadership Forum (ALF2024) online event on Tuesday 8 October 2024 is now open here.


Produced by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, in conjunction with conference partner Priority Dispatch and a range of other sponsoring organisations, the 2024 event theme is “Leaders at all levels”.

Join us for an engaging day of live speakers covering a range of topics relating to ambulance service culture, clinical practice and the future of healthcare services.

Registration is free and open to everyone who can join from desktop computers or handheld devices for the whole day or just for specific sessions.

>> View the agenda here.

>> Follow this link to register and secure your place at this exciting, inclusive event.

Keynote speakers at ALF 2024:

Siobhan MeliaWe are pleased to announce that Siobhan Melia, author of the February 2024 independent Culture Review of Ambulance Services and chief executive of Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust will be a keynote speaker.

Siobhan completed a nine-month secondment as interim chief executive at South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust in April 2023, before leading the NHSE-commissioned national review of culture within NHS ambulance trusts.  Her involvement continues as chair of the Ambulance Review Delivery Board. In June 2024, Siobhan was ranked number two in the HSJ Top 50 NHS CEOs.

Pauline Cranmer, Chief Paramedic at London Ambulance Service and Andrew Hodge, Director of Paramedicine and AHPs at North East Ambulance Service, will be talking about developing the paramedic voice at board level.

Pauline Cranmer

Pauline was recently appointed as the first female Chief Paramedic Officer. She holds responsibility for Clinical Education, Operational delivery, Resilience & Specialist Assets, and is the lead for NARU.

Her passions are continuous leadership learning at all levels, succession planning and amplifying the voice for those who are often not heard. Pauline hopes to use her role to support leaders to be the best versions of themselves, and promote the paramedic profession further.

Andrew HodgeAs North East Ambulance Service’s first Director of Paramedicine and Allied Health Professionals, Andrew Hodge is responsible for influencing, shaping and leading strategy, policy and clinical transformation, both within NEAS and as part of the wider regional and national health and social care systems.

We look forward to welcoming ambulance staff and volunteers from all levels within the UK ambulance service, as well as partners and colleagues from the wider NHS.

>> View the agenda here.

>> Register your FREE place at ALF 2024 here.

As well as the live sessions there will be a range of short, pre-recorded, on demand sessions for you to access.

We are very grateful to our conference partner Priority Dispatch and our key sponsor The Ortus Group for their generous sponsorship of this event.


Watch this space as we will be updating details of our keynote speakers!

If you have any queries, please contact a member of the ALF team at 

>>  Get a recap of the previous ALF conference here