Mental Health Concordat announces new, interactive website

CCC_mapThe updated Mental Health Crisis Concordat Website is now available, featuring an interactive map of England showing coverage of Local Crisis Declarations by Health and Wellbeing Board area.

Site users can click on any of the areas and will be taken to the regional dashboard. This area will show whether there are Declarations and Action Plans – and also an explanation of what the colours mean and how to contact the Concordat team at Mind with any queries. (Note that the map is red because no areas have formally submitted Declarations yet).

Other updates have been made to the site to make it even easier to use and navigate. Building on the Inspiration page showing good practice from across the country, local areas are being asked to keep submitting examples, documents and stories about what’s working well for them. This page will be more formally indexed as the resources on it continue to grow.

Four regional events have been held so far with 6 more planned from September. Do keep checking the events page for information and to register.  Resources from past events will also be will also shared here.