Reimbursement of urgent and emergency care: discussion document on options for reform

UECreport_-_August_2014NHS England and Monitor have published a discussion document setting out their current thinking on options for reforming the urgent and emergency care payment approach.

This document describes:

  • the case for reforming the urgent and emergency care payment approach
  • a suggested payment approach, including the supporting evidence and analysis
  • preliminary options for implementing a new payment approach to support improved delivery of urgent and emergency care
  • the next steps for NHS England and Monitor’s work

NHS England has also published on 19 August 2014 an update on progress with the Urgent and Emergency Care Review, available here. This is part of their vision for delivering urgent and emergency care as a co-ordinated system.

The document sets out questions on the topics covered. NHS England are inviting all interested stakeholders to respond to the questions online or via e-mail by 5pm on Tuesday 9 September.

In addition, they intend to further develop payment options in close collaboration with commissioners and providers working on implementing recommendations of the Urgent and Emergency Care Review.

If you would like to take part in this, please express your interest by writing to by 5pm on Tuesday 9 September.