Review by Monitor of the provision of walk-in centre services in England

On 31 May 2013, following reports of walk-in centre closures, Monitor decided to review the provision of walk-in centre services in England.

This review examined the possible impact of closures of walk-in centres on patients, whether commissioning arrangements for walk-in centres are working well for patients, and whether payment mechanisms related to walk-in centres and GP services are generating benefits for patients.

You can read the full Preliminary Report here.

The review’s findings

Monitor undertook a broad range of research, including a survey of almost 2,000 patients using walk-in centres. Read the survey’s findings.

Monitor received 65 responses their call for submissions and they gathered evidence from walk-in centre providers and commissioning bodies. They also gathered views from a range of other stakeholders.

They found that the provision of walk-in centre services varies greatly by location. The range of services on offer, the settings where the centres are located, the skill mix of clinicians, opening hours, the degree to which they are integrated with other providers, the types of patients attending – all of these factors can vary from centre to centre, reflecting local health economies and populations. Likewise, the reasons for a particular closure and its impact on patients largely depend on local circumstances.

However, Monitor identified some common themes that have led them to the following preliminary findings:

  • In some cases, walk-in centre closures may adversely affect patients’ access to primary care
  • The division of commissioning responsibilities for walk-in centres is causing confusion and could lead to decisions that do not take a system-wide view of the potential impact of changes to walk-in centre provision
  • Walk-in centres would work better for patients if payment mechanisms were reformed

Monitor’s report also sets out factors for commissioners to consider when taking decisions about whether to continue to procure walk-in centre services.

Download the full Preliminary Report here.

Share your views

This report sets out the facts and analysis underpinning the preliminary findings. Monitor welcome submissions from stakeholders that respond to the facts, analysis and preliminary findings presented here.  They also welcome any additional information that they should consider.

If you want to submit suggestions and comments, please email