Yorkshire Ambulance Service publish report into connection with Jimmy Savile

Yorkshire Ambulance Service has today published its report into Jimmy Savile’s association with the ambulance services in Yorkshire.

The report can be viewed here.

The Trust carried out a thorough investigation under the guidance of the Department of Health Savile Legacy Unit, including extensive search of archives, requests to staff to come forward with any relevant evidence and detailed interviews with key personnel.

The investigation found that Savile had an association with the former West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service (WYMAS) mainly between 1975 and 1995. As part of this he made a number of visits to Leeds Central Ambulance Station and occasionally accompanied ambulance staff in their vehicles. Witnesses confirmed that Savile was never left unaccompanied with patients and his presence did not obstruct the provision of care.

The investigation also found that, through a connection with the National Ambulance Service Society (which is no longer in operation), Savile attended their Annual General Meetings and a number of award ceremonies and would speak to staff on such occasions.

Steve Page, Executive Director for Standards and Compliance at Yorkshire Ambulance Service, said:

Our investigation has found no evidence that Savile had committed any acts of sexual abuse during his association with us and our predecessor organisations.

We recognise that it was entirely inappropriate for Savile to have had the access to ambulance service staff and patients that he did. It is regrettable that this level of access was available to him and we recognise the potential increased risk to patients and staff during this time.

The ambulance service today is fundamentally different to that in operation during Savile’s association and our governance is significantly more robust than that in the former West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service.

Nevertheless, as part of this investigation, we undertook a review of relevant current policies and practice and we are satisfied that the governance and safeguarding arrangements in place ensure that such an association could not happen in Yorkshire Ambulance Service today.”