Ambulance Services helping to reduce Health Inequalities


How ambulance services are helping to reduce health inequalities

Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) have four core priorities to deliver in relation to reducing health inequalities, which include the requirement to:

  • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare 
  • Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access
  • Enhance productivity and value for money 
  • Help the NHS support broader social and economic development

Every day, ambulance services take thousands of calls from the public and see first-hand that in our least well-off neighbourhoods people are dying years earlier than they should.

The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE), working on behalf of the UK’s NHS ambulance services, has brought partners together to develop and launch a national consensus approach to support ambulance services and their Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in reducing health inequalities.

The consensus agreed by major health organisations including NHS England (NHSE), the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID), the College of Paramedics (CoP), NHSE Workforce, Training and Education (NHSE-WTE, formerly Health Education England), NHS Providers (NHSP) and NHS Confederation (NHSC), who host the ICS Leads Network, was launched on 8th June 2023.

In developing the consensus approach we have considered how everyone working in the ambulance sector can contribute to reducing health inequalities, both as providers of care and as anchor institutions within their regions.

AACE & NHSE Reducing Health Inequalities WHAT WE KNOW JUNE 2023 - report front coverStrengthening the role of the ambulance sector in reducing health inequalities:
What we know

This publication reviews key national policy drivers for reducing inequalities alongside research, expert stakeholder knowledge and case studies to present an overview of what we already know about the ways in which the ambulance sector can make a positive impact on health inequalities as a key player within the wider system.

Read the report here. 

AACE & NHSE Reducing Health Inequalities NEXTG STEPS, JUNE 2023 - report front coverStrengthening the role of the ambulance sector in reducing health inequalities:
National consensus statement and next steps

The consensus statement and next steps set out a shared commitment to strengthening the role that everyone working in the ambulance sector can play in reducing health inequalities.

It underlines common goals and objectives across partners in a concerted attempt to balance the playing field for all service users and overcome the challenges of health and social care inequality.

View the consensus here. 

Health inequalities implementation toolkit front coverStrengthening the role of the ambulance sector in reducing health inequalities:
Implementation toolkit
(updated Nov 2024)

An interactive toolkit has been developed containing information and links to further resources that support a focus on embedding a public health approach within the ambulance sector with the aim of reducing health inequalities experienced by the populations and communities we serve.

Access it here.

We have also developed a Maturity Matrix for ambulance services to undertake a self-assessment process and gauge their progress against key objectives in reducing health inequalities.

Further information

>> View additional resources here.

>> View video resources here.

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