Dan Gore of Daniel G Associates Ltd – Daniel has worked in and around the NHS and Ambulance Services for over 30 years and has operated at middle and senior management levels. On leaving full time education Daniel joined Essex Ambulance Service in 1989 and developed a passion for the Emergency Control Centre environment. He then spent a number of years in PTS and emergency front line operations before returning to the control room as Head of Department in 2004.
Following the mergers of the English ambulance services in 2006, Daniel joined the West Midlands Ambulance Service where he held senior managerial positions including Director of Operational Service Delivery for Birmingham & Black Country as well as the Emergency Operations Centres before leaving in 2010 to pursue other business interests, including continuing to work with Trusts through NHS IMAS providing direct support to various Trusts, working overseas both in the private sectorand in Ambulances services.
Daniel is particularly skilled in tactical and strategic leadership, bringing together the issues experienced on the front line and linking with an organisations strategic direction, he has worked on many assignments with AACE since 2016 both in terms of supporting Trusts as well as providing input and subject matter expertise for national ambulance sector workstreams led by NHSE/I.