The National Ambulance Volunteering Dashboard

Throughout 2023, AACE developed a new National Ambulance Volunteering Dashboard. This was designed to highlight the range of individuals who support ambulance trusts, the activities in which they participate, and the patients they help via clinical and non-clinical volunteering opportunities.

Volunteer Dashboard - MASTER VERSION April 2024 Front cover

This strategy supports NHS England’s work to establish mandatory data collection in relation to volunteer activity across the health sector.

During the pilot phase of this project, AACE has worked with SWAST and YAS, and the results of this collaboration can be seen in the dashboard, which gives new insights into the impact of volunteers, especially Community First Responders and Patient Transport Service volunteers.

With the pilot phase now well established, the next step is to increase the number of participating trusts.

If you’d like your trust to get involved, or would like any further information about our volunteering strategy, please contact 

View the latest Volunteering Dashboard here.

Read the National Ambulance Volunteering Strategy here.