Exploring Disability Culture




Uncomfortable Conversations:
Exploring Disability Culture

AACE and the College of Paramedics held a Zoom call in May 2022 exploring disability culture through the lens of the pandemic – which disabled everyone in some way – and to varying degrees.

All ambulance staff, their family and friends were invited to join us to hear from our national ambulance disability network colleagues and others during a thought-provoking, inspirational and informative session.

For those who couldn’t make it or would like a recap, a recording is available below.

A key supporting resource – NHS Disabled staff experiences during COVID-19 (NHS Employers) is available here.


The session was facilitated by Dawn Poulson Whelan, Chair, National Ambulance Disability Network, and Tom Heywood, Deputy Chair, National Ambulance Disability Network.


Lucy Gough
Emergency Response Dispatcher, London Ambulance Service

Kate Smyth
Non-Executive Director Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, NHS Co-Chair, Disabled NHS Directors Network

Stuart Moore
Workforce Disability Equality Standard Senior Manager, NHSEI

Rod Barnes
Chief Executive, Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Chat facilitators:

Ann Weekes 
Joint Staff Networks Coordinator, Equality Diversity and Inclusion, Barnet, Enfield & Haringey and Camden & Islington 

James Bridge
Paramedic & Disability Lead for the Diversity Steering Group, College of Paramedics


NHS Disabled staff experiences during COVID-19 Report
NHS Employers, March 2022

Did you attend the event?  >>  Download the Certificate of Attendance here.  <<