Archives: Resources

Ambulance Leadership Forum (ALF) 2017 Event Guide

Conference Brochure for ALF 2017, Feb 7-8

National Overview 2016

National Overview for 2016 from the Emergency Services Collaboration Working Group

The tri-service review of the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP 2016)
Leading the Way to Care – AACE, 2016
AACE Annual Report 2015-16
AACE Annual Report 2014 – 2015
Emergency Services Review: System Resilience: A review of NHS emergency care performance during recent winters

OSHA (.pdf - 503kb) - August 2009 OSHA Emergency Services Review: System Resilience: A review of NHS emergency care performance during recent winters

Fighting the Fire article

Professor Malcolm Woollard, Honorary Consultant Paramedic and Director of the Pre-hospital, Emergency and Cardiovascular Care Applied Research Group at Coventry University, has penned an in-depth response to the recent Chief Fire Officers Association's ca

HCC annual health check rating 2007/08
New DH Guidelines: Reducing HCAIs

Reducing infection through effective practice in the pre-hospital environment