Archives: Resources

Ambulance Services in England 2013 -2014 (HSCIC)

HSCIC report and statistics on ambulance service demand and performance

NHSIQ White Paper – The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation

A call to action for leaders of health and care

Urgent and Emergency Care Review – August 2014 update
The NHS Five Year Forward View

A vision for the future of the NHS - October 2014

Patrick Mitchell HEE

Presentation to ALF 2014

Keith Willett NHS England

Presentation to ALF 2014

Justin Kennington, Lightfoot

Presentation to ALF 2014

Ellen Armistead, CQC

Presentation to ALF 2014

Attila Hertelendy, George Washington University

Presentation to ALF 2014

Implementing the NHS Five Year Forward View

Aligning policies with the plan - The King's Fund