Archives: Resources

Prof. Paresh Wankhade – Leadership in the Emergency Services: Interoperability and Innovation

9 Feb 2016 – ALF Conference Presentation

Richard Murray – New Delivery Models in Urgent & Emergency Care

9 Feb 2016 – ALF Conference Presentation

Rob Webster – Leading in Challenging Times

9 Feb 2016 – ALF Conference Presentation

Peter O’Reilly – Collaboration with the Fire and Rescue Service

10 Feb 2016 – ALF Workshop

Identifying Talent at SWASFT: Emma Wood & Amy Hanson,

10 Feb 2016 – ALF Workshop

The MIND Blue Light Programme

10 Feb 2016 – ALF Workshop

Jacynth Ivey – The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard –

10 Feb 2016 – ALF Workshop

The SECAMB Community Paramedic Project – Will Bellamy & Chris Stamp

10 Feb 2016 – ALF Workshop

Saving Lives and Improving Health and Wellbeing – Consensus Statement

Consensus Statement between the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives and the Chief Fire Officers Association

HSJ Intelligence – The biggest challenges facing ambulance services – May 2016

HSJ article exploring the top priorities and challenges of ambulance service trusts over the next 12 to 18 months