Archives: Resources

Prehospital organisation and management of a mass casualty incident

British Journal of Anaesthesia

A vision for emergency and urgent care: The role of ambulance services

A report issued by the Ambulance Service Network (ASN)

Darzi’s NHS Next Stage Review: Leading Local Change
Changing for the better: Guidance when undertaking major changes to NHS services
Healthcare Commission’s Investigation into Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust

The Healthcare Commission carried out this investigation at Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust as a result of serious concerns first raised by West Midlands Strategic Health Authority and further serious concerns identified by the Healthcare Commis

Delivery of Services Assurance Framework

NHS Ambulance Services Emergency Preparedness, Resilience & Response: Quality Assurance Framework


National Ambulance Service Guidance for Preparing an Emergency Plan

EPRR Service Spec Nov 2012

Service Specification for NHS Ambulance Services Emergency Preparedness, Resilience & Response

Emergency preparedness, resilience and response for Ambulance Commissioners

Emergency preparedness, resilience and response - A guide for ambulance commissioners by The NHS Confederation

Welsh Ambulance Service Review

Strategic Review of Welsh Ambulance Services by Professon Siobahn McClelland